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components / Actions and Inputs

Button Group

Combination Best Practices

The following is a general recommendation on pairing buttons of various hierarchy. This refers to Buttons that are next to each other, not across a screen. The goals can be described as:

  • Preserving visual prominence of important actions, while reducing visual noise for less important actions.
  • Bringing general consistency of style across the app.
These are combinations found commonly throughout the app.
While some pairings visually work, we recommend against these in order to bring more consistency across the app.

Attached Groups

Attached Button Groups are used for horizontal bars of buttons, like toolbars, and group related actions.

Button Groups can be used to attach dropdown menus to Primary Action buttons.

In space-constrained layouts, attached Button Groups will allow actions to live within a smaller footprint.

Using text buttons in a Button Group evenly spaces the buttons in content-heavy sections like tables.

Full Width Groups

Full width Button Groups are used to fill the space within a small content area like a Card or Modal.

With solid and outline buttons, it's recommended to set the buttons to equal width.

Best Practices

A Button Group should:

  • Group together actions that are related
  • Not have too many buttons to cause user indecision
  • Not have too many buttons to fit on small devices

  • For an individual button, use a Button.


import { ButtonGroup } from '@servicetitan/design-system';