Basic Card
The most basic implementation of a card takes up the entire room available on the page. This is useful for dividing content on the page into easy to digest sections or calling attention to a specific grouping of content.
Stack of Cards
Cards can easily be paired with the Stack to produce columns of Cards.
<Stack justifyContent="space-between">
<Card>Basic Card</Card>
<Card>Basic Card</Card>
<Card>Basic Card</Card>
<Card>Basic Card</Card>
Card Shape Variations
Cards can be modified to suit the needs of the page by adding one or more variations. These variations can be mixed together to make the Card fit the layout.
Adds a shadow, bringing prominence to a particular Card.
<Card elevation="raised">Raised Card</Card>
Removes Border
Use to de-emphasize content relative to other Cards.
<Card elevation="base">Base Card</Card>
Sharper Edges
By default, Cards have a rounded style. Sharper edges can also be applied, generally when a Card is nested in another Card to keep corners smooth.
<Card sharp>Sharp Card</Card>
Cards can have three different padding options: default, thin, and none.
Thin Cards
The space inside a Card section can be decreased, which is useful in denser page layouts.
<Card padding="thin">Thin Card</Card>
No Padding Cards
Useful when content inside needs to line up with external content, or to heavily customize inner Card content.
<Card padding="none">No Padding Card</Card>
Card example combining many variations
<Card elevation="raised" thin sharp>Raised, sharp, thin Card</Card>
Card States
Shows that the content has been currently selected or enabled.
<Card status="active">Active Card</Card>
Used to visually indicate that something is wrong with content inside. In general, error styling should be applied directly to content inside the Card, and only to the Card itself when it is directly an interactive piece. See the Togglebox as a practical example.
<Card status="error">Error Card</Card>
Placeholder Cards
Cards can be used to provide the user a clear indication of how to add content and how that content will affect the layout.
<Stack direction="column" spacing={3}>
<Card light>First card</Card>
<Card placeholder onClick={(evt) => console.log('Add Section', evt)}>
<Button primary fill="subtle" inactive iconName="add_circle" iconPosition="right">
Add Section
Clickable Card
Cards have a hover state automatically by adding an onClick
prop. The hover state transitions the card to the next highest elevation as a click affordance. You can also set hoverable
on the card. The active
prop gives the card a blue outline indicating it has been selected.
<State initial={{active1: false, active2: true}}>
{([state, setState]) => (
onClick={() => setState(prev => ({...prev, active1: !state.active1}))}
Clickable Card
<br />
onClick={() => setState(prev => ({...prev, active2: !state.active2}))}
Raised Clickable Card
Card Sections
Card Sections can be used to divide cards into multiple sections. Card Sections can have different background colors to divide a card header from the body of the card, or add a call to action button
By default, the Card content is automatically wrapped with a Card.Section
. If you manually include Card.Section
s in the card, those will be used instead.
<Stack wrap="wrap">
<Card style={{flex: 1, flexBasis: '32%'}} className="m-1"><Card.Section light>Light Card Section</Card.Section></Card>
<Card style={{flex: 1, flexBasis: '32%'}} className="m-1"><Card.Section dark>Dark Card Section</Card.Section></Card>
<Card style={{flex: 1, flexBasis: '32%'}} className="m-1"><Card.Section blue>Blue Card Section</Card.Section></Card>
<Card style={{flex: 1, flexBasis: '32%'}} className="m-1"><Card.Section purple>Purple Card Section</Card.Section></Card>
<Card style={{flex: 1, flexBasis: '32%'}} className="m-1"><Card.Section green>Green Card Section</Card.Section></Card>
<Card style={{flex: 1, flexBasis: '32%'}} className="m-1"><Card.Section red>Red Card Section</Card.Section></Card>
<Card style={{flex: 1, flexBasis: '32%'}} className="m-1"><Card.Section lightblue>Light-Blue Card Section</Card.Section></Card>
<Card thin>
<Card.Section dark className="h3">Headline</Card.Section>
<Stack justifyContent="space-around">
{[false, false, true].map((initialState, index) => (
<State initial={initialState} key={index}>
{([active, setActive]) => (
children={`Option ${index + 1}`}
onClick={() => setActive(!active)}
<Card.Section light className="c-neutral-90">Last updated 2 days ago</Card.Section>
<Stack spacing={4}>
<Card hoverable>
<p className="h3 m-0 m-b-1">Card Section</p>
<p className="fs-2 m-0">This card has supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.</p>
<Card.Section light className="c-neutral-90 fs-2">Last updated 3 mins ago</Card.Section>
<Card hoverable>
<p className="h3 m-0 m-b-1">Card Section</p>
<p className="fs-2 m-0">This card has supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.</p>
<Card.Section light className="c-neutral-90 fs-2">Last updated 3 mins ago</Card.Section>
<Card hoverable>
<p className="h3 m-0 m-b-1">Card Section</p>
<p className="fs-2 m-0">This card has supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.</p>
<Card.Section light className="c-neutral-90 fs-2">Last updated 3 mins ago</Card.Section>
<Stack spacing={2}>
<Card thin raised>
<Card.Section blue className="h3">Card Section</Card.Section>
<p className="fs-2 m-0">This card has supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.</p>
<Card.Section className="fs-2">
<ul style={{
margin: 0,
padding: '0 0 0 1em'
<li>Bullet Point #1</li>
<li>Bullet Point #2</li>
<li>Bullet Point #3</li>
<li>Bullet Point #4</li>
<Card.Section><Button outline primary full>View</Button></Card.Section>
<Card thin raised>
<Card.Section blue className="h3">Card Section</Card.Section>
<p className="fs-2 m-0">This card has supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.</p>
<Card.Section className="fs-2">
<ul style={{
margin: 0,
padding: '0 0 0 1em'
<li>Bullet Point #1</li>
<li>Bullet Point #2</li>
<li>Bullet Point #3</li>
<li>Bullet Point #4</li>
<Card.Section><Button outline primary full>View</Button></Card.Section>
<Card thin raised>
<Card.Section blue className="h3">Card Section</Card.Section>
<p className="fs-2 m-0">This card has supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.</p>
<Card.Section className="fs-2">
<ul style={{
margin: 0,
padding: '0 0 0 1em'
<li>Bullet Point #1</li>
<li>Bullet Point #2</li>
<li>Bullet Point #3</li>
<li>Bullet Point #4</li>
<Card.Section><Button outline primary full>View</Button></Card.Section>
<Stack spacing={2} justifyContent="space-between">
<Card className="of-hidden" style={{flexBasis: '33%'}}>
<div style={{
paddingBottom: '85%',
backgroundImage: `url(${GrandMoffTarkin})`,
backgroundPosition: 'center center',
backgroundSize: 'cover',
margin: '-24px',
marginBottom: 0
}} />
<Card.Section style={{minHeight: 100}}>
<Headline size="small" className="m-0">Grand Moff Tarkin</Headline>
<BodyText size="small" className="m-0 m-t-1">Don't worry, we'll deal with your rebel friends soon enough!<br/><br/></BodyText>
<Card.Section light><Button outline primary full>View Character</Button></Card.Section>
<Card className="of-hidden" style={{flexBasis: '33%'}}>
<div style={{
paddingBottom: '85%',
backgroundImage: `url(${RoseTico})`,
backgroundPosition: 'center center',
backgroundSize: 'cover',
margin: '-24px',
marginBottom: 0
}} />
<Card.Section style={{minHeight: 100}}>
<Headline size="small" className="m-0">Rose Tico</Headline>
<BodyText size="small" className="m-0 m-t-1">That's how we're gonna win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love.</BodyText>
<Card.Section light><Button outline primary full>View Character</Button></Card.Section>
<Card className="of-hidden" style={{flexBasis: '33%'}}>
<div style={{
paddingBottom: '85%',
backgroundImage: `url(${IG88})`,
backgroundPosition: 'center center',
backgroundSize: 'cover',
margin: '-24px',
marginBottom: 0
}} />
<Card.Section style={{minHeight: 100}}>
<Headline size="small" className="m-0">IG-88</Headline>
<BodyText size="small" className="m-0 m-t-1">*bzzz*<br />*whirrrrr*<br/>*zippp*</BodyText>
<Card.Section light><Button outline primary full>View Character</Button></Card.Section>
import { Card } from '@servicetitan/design-system';