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components / Status and Feedback


Default Snackbar

With Action

Action can be used when users have the ability to act on the message. For example, 'Undo' or 'Edit'.

With Close Action

An optional close action can exist if the Snackbar needs to stay open.

With Action and Close


By default, the snackbar automatically closes after 5 seconds. This can be configured to a different value or be persistent.

Best Practices

  • Messages should be short and clear.
  • Don't use the action text to dismiss.
  • Don't set the duration below 2 seconds.
  • Only show 1 snackbar at a time.
  • If a snackbar has an action, give the wording short.
  • If the snackbar does not automatically close, use the close option.

  • To require a user interaction, use a Modal component.
  • For critical information that requires a specific decision, use a Dialog component.

For non-intrusive notifications:

  • Site-wide information about an event, use the Announcement notification.
  • Content specific to the page, use the Banner notification.
  • Persistent, detailed feedback, use the Toast notification.
