Too many type sizes and styles at once can spoil any layout. A limited set of type variations are supported that work well with each other.
Our Typography uses semantic naming to pair sizes which helps with the consistency in overall application as well as the visual hierarchy and space management.
This pairing method is ideal for text components that are directly or semi-directly related or grouped together in a card or section.
Use same size for sibling items.
In some cases where you need higher contrast between Headline and Body, Headline can size up one or body can size down one. Do not deviate up with body text, the body text and headline size would be the same creating ineffective typographical hierarchy.
Font Family: Sofia Pro
Weight: Bold
Font Family: Nunito Sans
Weight: Regular, Bold
Font Family: Nunito Sans
Weight: Semibold
Case: Uppercase
Style: Subdued
You can deemphasize text by making it a lighter shade of grey.
A subdued line of copy can be used for disclaimers or helpful notes below form fields
Subdued headlines provide extra context to a regular headline
You can emphasize text by italicizing it.
You can emphasize text by bolding it.
Refer to Typography component for more information about how it is implemented.
2 Weights, 2 Styles